How to choose large-scale gas stoves with characteristics of feasibility, high efficiency and economy is the first problem to develop the chemical processing of coal nowadays. 当前发展煤化工碰到的第一个难题就是如何选择适宜、高效、经济实用的大型气化炉。
This technology enjoys intellectual property right in China ′ s own hands, has broad prospects for application, and is of great significance in raising the overall level of equipment in the chemical processing of coal in China. 该技术拥有我国自主知识产权,应用前景广阔,对于提高我国煤化工整体装备水平具有重要意义。
Coal chemical industry is the industry of technology denseness and fund denseness as the deep processing of coal. 煤化工作为煤炭的深加工产业,属于技术密集型和资金密集型产业。